Saturday, January 22, 2011

Do I act like a toddler to God?

I was hanging up clothes in the twins' room today and 3-year-old Maxton came in the room and announced, "Mommy! I put my clothes on ALL. BY. MYSELF." He was very proud of his accomplishment. And though I congratulated him, I couldn't help but chuckle that his shirt was on backwards and his pants were unzipped.

And I wondered if I amuse God sometimes...when I'm proud of what I've supposedly accomplished ALL. BY. MYSELF. All proud and completely oblivious that my fly is open.

Do I act like a toddler towards my Heavenly Father? I've thought about this a lot as things come up and I've been taking notes so I could restart this blog someday. So here it is, the relaunch of the Mami Diaries. I'll be sharing the spiritual lessons my kids are teaching me. I'd love to hear yours.