I hope to never have to write a part 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 to this blog post, but somehow I don't think that's possible.
Yesterday, I went to my routine OB appointment and he asked me to start the Non-stress Tests TWICE a week (in addition to seeing him weekly). I went ahead and did the first one right after I left his office.
I had to go do it in the triage area of labor and delivery and get strapped down with 2 fetal monitors, a contraction monitor, etc. I got a great nurse, thank God, that didn't freak out that I was having contractions (which I couldn't feel). Then the ultrasound lady, which didn't seem so confident about what she was doing, said the fluid around the babies was borderline low. I coulda kicked myself for not making an extra effort to hydrate....but then again, I didn't know I would be doing this procedure.
So after the doctor saw all my info, he wanted me to wait around 'cause he wanted to see me. I was like "No!!!! I'm going home. Tell him to call me. I am not in labor." The nurse went back and forth with my doctor. He finally told her if she would examine me and confirm that my cervix was not dilating, that I could go home. She did. I wasn't. I went home.
The nurse I had, Jennifer, was great. She talked to me about the chances of my delivering without an epidural (next to none). She asked me about my first experience at that hospital giving birth to Maxton and I told her that I had some really horrible nurses that I had to ask to leave my room. She went to do some investigating and find out who the nurses were and hopefully not have them again. I'm hoping she'll be around for my delivery.
Anyway, she told me some other things that I didn't know. She explained that with twins, I will end up delivering in an operating room just for everyone to be prepared for an emergency c-section. She told me the devastating news that even if I come it dilated 10 centimeters, they'll still insist on an epidural (as a precaution).
Last night, I went to bed asking God, "So, how are you gonna work this out?"
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